The 50¢ Buttermilk Biscuit

There is something extremely special about biscuits for me. Every Sunday, my family would gather around the table and have a family breakfast with biscuits, scrambled eggs and sausage. While my family used canned biscuits, I have started to try my hand at made from scratch biscuits. A word of advice is to keep everything as cold as possible throughout the process of making the biscuit dough. A key addition I made to the process is using a blender to chop the butter into the dry ingredients. This made for a MUCH more tender and fluffy biscuit.


6 tbsp unsalted butter, frozen
2 cups flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 1/4 tsp salt
1 cup buttermilk


Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Use a food processor to blitz the dry ingredients together with the butter (do not over blend the mixture as it will melt the butter). Empty into a cold metal mixing bowl and add cold buttermilk. Mix till incorporated.

Lightly flour a hard surface and scoop the ingredients onto the floured surface. Form into a 1 inch thick square and fold in half. Repeat this step 4-6 times (or until you feel the dough getting warmer).

Use a sharp cookie cutter to cut out pieces of dough (do note twist the cutter when cutting out the biscuits, only press straight down). When your dough doesn't allow for another biscuit do be cut out, refold the dough and cut a new biscuit. This recipe yields 5-8 biscuits depending on on the thickness you cut the biscuits.

Place biscuits on a cooking sheet and bake in the oven @ 425 for 15-17 minutes (till golden brown).

After you remove the biscuits from the oven you can brush some melted butter over the top (optional).

Serve with your choice of jam, butter or savory toppings if you prefer (also goes well with scrambled eggs)


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